What a difference a year makes. Just a year ago, Jon & Kate were enjoying family time at the beach...watching and experimenting with sparklers & Pop Its snapper fireworks. Since then, the fireworks have taken the form of obsessive media reports and the couple filing for divorce. Thankfully, the show is on hiatus this month and the couple has stated: "During this very difficult time we will be working to focus solely on the needs of our family. This includes no longer commenting publicly or reacting to media stories and speculation.”
This is an answer to prayer.
Even before a year ago, many fans have been praying for this couple. Regardless of your reasons or disagreements, you've lifted this family up in sincere intercessory prayer. Interceding for this couple was the genesis of this blog.
Many have questioned my motivation for creating this blog and my methods of promoting it. I expected and welcomed the questions and challenges. Others have called my responses to comments presumptive, arrogant, ignorant, and much more. John 15:18-19 says, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
My motivations are align with many others: to focus on the positive for the couple, to pray for healing in their relationship, and peace for their family. Much to some people's dismay, there's nothing wrong with praying for this couple and their children. Regardless of your feelings for them, their decisions, their treatment of each other and the children, or the freebies they've received...at the end of the day, Jon & Kate are two people with eight children and they're facing divorce. Sure, they're in the spotlight and have nearly every second of the day monitored, photographed, and recorded. Sure, they made their family a business to support their family and a lifestyle. But if it's here you wish to pass judgment on them, I urge caution.
The Bible says “a perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends” (Proverbs 16:28). Some people thrive on negativity and gossip and look for opportunities to destroy others. Even when confronted about their poisonous words, they'd rather blame someone else and rationalize the behavior. “A fool's mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts” (Proverbs 18:7-8).
We may not truly know if the motives behind the show were ever to really bring glory to God by showing the trials of a Christian family. That was the projected image and perhaps what could've remained the show's focus. However, fame has a funny way of changing people.
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment" (1 Timothy 6:17). Wealth has such a way of making people arrogant...making them feel they are better and wiser than others. But wealth is so uncertain and we Christians forget that God will richly provide for us and for our enjoyment.
Philippians 4:19 assures us that God will meet our needs. He knows our heart's desires but will we humble ourselves and seek His wisdom in our lives? Which brings us back to answered prayers.
God has a way of answering our prayers for ourselves and for those we intercede. While divorce isn't what anyone wanted for Jon & Kate, it's interesting what's happened as of lately: the weekly airing of new shows gone for a month, the family withdrawing from the media during that time, Kate’s new cookbook Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories and a clothing line with Healthtex shelved for a while, and other signs that life as the Gosselin's have known it is unraveling.
God will get your attention. If you seek Him and/or others are seeking Him on your behalf, He will get your attention. Jeremiah 29:13 agrees.
Will Jon & Kate reconcile? We may not see those results in the coming days, weeks, months, or years. Often, we think we are entitled to have good things happen to us, because we’ve been good people. However, our efforts at being good or acting good will never get a nod from God or entitle us to good things happening to us.
We also think that only good things will happen to us after accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. However, our faith and Jesus’ forgiveness don’t erase the evil from the world. We forget that Christ promised we should expect suffering for His name and trouble in this world (1 Peter 4:12, Romans 8:17). Much of what Christians suffer as “bad things” of this world happen specifically because we belong to Christ and is because He suffered. Those without a faith in Jesus experience bad things because they live in a sinful world as well.
Continue to pray that Jon & Kate will turn from the things of this world and will do whatever it takes to heal their marriage and unite their family. God will provide for the rest. It's not His will that a TV show should destroy this family, however, He will allow it to happen. From our vantage point, we don't know what all will come out of this but we do know what we can do to help: pray if we are led. And if He wants us to move onto other issues of concern, we should do that - not because we don't feel our prayers are being answered, not because people are saying that you're wasting your time...only because God has other needs.
And you'll be able to know His needs for your life if prayer is a regular part of your day.
Many have questioned my motivation for creating this blog and my methods of promoting it. I expected and welcomed the questions and challenges. Others have called my responses to comments presumptive, arrogant, ignorant, and much more. John 15:18-19 says, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
My motivations are align with many others: to focus on the positive for the couple, to pray for healing in their relationship, and peace for their family. Much to some people's dismay, there's nothing wrong with praying for this couple and their children. Regardless of your feelings for them, their decisions, their treatment of each other and the children, or the freebies they've received...at the end of the day, Jon & Kate are two people with eight children and they're facing divorce. Sure, they're in the spotlight and have nearly every second of the day monitored, photographed, and recorded. Sure, they made their family a business to support their family and a lifestyle. But if it's here you wish to pass judgment on them, I urge caution.
The Bible says “a perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends” (Proverbs 16:28). Some people thrive on negativity and gossip and look for opportunities to destroy others. Even when confronted about their poisonous words, they'd rather blame someone else and rationalize the behavior. “A fool's mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts” (Proverbs 18:7-8).
We may not truly know if the motives behind the show were ever to really bring glory to God by showing the trials of a Christian family. That was the projected image and perhaps what could've remained the show's focus. However, fame has a funny way of changing people.
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment" (1 Timothy 6:17). Wealth has such a way of making people arrogant...making them feel they are better and wiser than others. But wealth is so uncertain and we Christians forget that God will richly provide for us and for our enjoyment.
Philippians 4:19 assures us that God will meet our needs. He knows our heart's desires but will we humble ourselves and seek His wisdom in our lives? Which brings us back to answered prayers.
God has a way of answering our prayers for ourselves and for those we intercede. While divorce isn't what anyone wanted for Jon & Kate, it's interesting what's happened as of lately: the weekly airing of new shows gone for a month, the family withdrawing from the media during that time, Kate’s new cookbook Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories and a clothing line with Healthtex shelved for a while, and other signs that life as the Gosselin's have known it is unraveling.
God will get your attention. If you seek Him and/or others are seeking Him on your behalf, He will get your attention. Jeremiah 29:13 agrees.
Will Jon & Kate reconcile? We may not see those results in the coming days, weeks, months, or years. Often, we think we are entitled to have good things happen to us, because we’ve been good people. However, our efforts at being good or acting good will never get a nod from God or entitle us to good things happening to us.
We also think that only good things will happen to us after accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. However, our faith and Jesus’ forgiveness don’t erase the evil from the world. We forget that Christ promised we should expect suffering for His name and trouble in this world (1 Peter 4:12, Romans 8:17). Much of what Christians suffer as “bad things” of this world happen specifically because we belong to Christ and is because He suffered. Those without a faith in Jesus experience bad things because they live in a sinful world as well.
Continue to pray that Jon & Kate will turn from the things of this world and will do whatever it takes to heal their marriage and unite their family. God will provide for the rest. It's not His will that a TV show should destroy this family, however, He will allow it to happen. From our vantage point, we don't know what all will come out of this but we do know what we can do to help: pray if we are led. And if He wants us to move onto other issues of concern, we should do that - not because we don't feel our prayers are being answered, not because people are saying that you're wasting your time...only because God has other needs.
And you'll be able to know His needs for your life if prayer is a regular part of your day.
Thank you. Personally, I still feel led to pray for Jon & Kate and their children. For reconciliation, for the future of all 10 people, for all the lives of the people they touch in their personal lives, and for the millions of viewers who are affected by what they see on the screen.
ReplyDeleteI said "all 10 people" because I see the 8 children not as children, really, but as ageless souls - created by God, who will each reach a point when they will have to make an individual decision to accept or reject Christ. So I am praying for each child as a person in need of salvation (at some point in the future, obviously) and that through all of this, the children will find their strength in Christ, and maybe Jon & Kate will even see Christ in their kids and be reminded. And I know it "could" take years.
We want prayer to work like a vending machine, but that's not how God intended it. So we are to be faithful to keep praying, even when the circumstances do not seem to be "going our way" immediately. Right? :)
I guess that's all I know. I just wanted to say I'm still praying for the Gosselins. All of 'em.
Keri, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Indeed, in our microwave society, we expect God to answer prayers quickly. Perhaps, we even expect his answer to be "yes" and we want the text message or IM now! What spoiled children we are.
ReplyDeleteThe most productive thing for us to do is to not have expectations. Maybe have hopes or wishes but to simply be obedient and pray.
Thank you for your continued interceding for this family!
I would not offer one single prayer for Jon and Kate...they got into this mess themselves let them get out without God's help. You think Kate would pray for us if our marriages were failing? Maybe if $20 or $25,000 was her reward for praying for us. I would rather pray for those innocent children, the soldiers fighting for our country or some one who is sick with cancer. Never will a pray come out of my mouth for Jon and Kate.
ReplyDeleteNo Prayers, thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. You're entitled to pray for whomever you like, however, a spirit of unforgiveness toward others will produce ineffective prayers.
ReplyDeleteBeing unwilling to forgive someone produces and fuels roots of bitterness in our life which will choke our prayers simply because we withhold our prayers for only those "deserving" them. Will God share His blessings upon us sinners if we are hateful or bitter toward others? Helpful Scripture is at: Matthew 18:23-35.
Again,if you are not led to pray for Jon & Kate but are led to pray for the children, the sick, and our soldiers...pray how you are led. However, flee from hate or bitterness.
Thank you Rick for your comments. I too still feel led to pray for healing for this family. And I hope that you will continue this site.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much.
Seems like the media has settled down a bit since the passing of Michael Jackson and all the hoopla involving his death and memorial service. Hope they lay off the Gosseleins for awhile. I see they were together for the 4th of July and do hope they don't let the divorce go through. I hope they can pull back to their faith and put things in proper order and perspective according to God's will for their life.
ReplyDeleteI pray peace to all ten and pray much prayer will stop the influences of our world on this special family.
ReplyDeleteI pray God's strength for their hearts and minds and souls.
The family has been on my heart since I have heard of the trouble in their marriage. God is SO amazing in every way possible, and I feel like a miracle can still be done in this family! How wonderful would it be if the Gosselin family reunited in the future, which seems to be impossible, and it would be clear that our Lord and Savior has had his hand in it all! It seemed that Jon and Kate have had an incredible testimony when it comes to the healthy birth of their 8 beautiful children, however I feel that the Lord is not done working in this family...and somehow....he will bring the glory back to Him and in His name! I have hope for the Gosselin family and will continue to PRAY! Thank you for having a positive website of encouragement for the couple!
ReplyDeleteSo what happened to this site? I see no updates since they filed for divorce. Does that mean everyone stops praying or being concerned?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9, thanks for your concern. Indeed, it's been a while since I've updated which is simply due to life. I've got a couple updates coming soon. However, all who are led to should continue to bathe this couple and their family in prayer.
ReplyDeletemy wife and I were looking for such as yours. We wanted to start one ourselves but did not know how. We are praying for the whole family, parents and kids. We do not understand the whole mess but we have had a desire to pray for them way before the fighting and rumors. We will continue to pray for all of them and hope for a new fresh start in their lives. We do not understand the hatred toward Jon or Kate. That does not seem biblical. We love them even though we don't know them personally and it is heart breaking to see what they are going thru. This whole situation could harden their hearts or break them to the lowest point. We do believe that God is at work and sees all and knows all and just might use all this and work thru their children for his glory in the end. But you can see in Kates' eyes her resolve to take care of her children and all that is in need for their survival, don't count God out or the resolve and determination that the Holy Spirit instills in a human heart. What God begins he will finish.
ReplyDeleteI just want it to be known to all, if they actually go through the divorce it would be a huge mistake. Clearly they both are angry at one another and getting a divorce out of anger is the wrong thing to do. To Jon and Kate, if this finds you in time, think about what made you love each other, there is no reason why both of you cannot work things out as Husbank and Wife, not just as Mommy and Daddy. Really Jon, she is 33 years old, is she really going to be a step mommy to your kids. Grow up a little. Kate, treat him like a man, he will respond better if you do. I hope parayer will see you through this. Maybe you should visit the Duggars and get mariage counseling from them.