This family lives in our neighbor-state Pennsylvania, Kim and I concluded that Jon's personality is very similar to mine, and I'm sick of all the trash about them on the web and in the blogosphere.
One of my talents put to great use while in broadcast TV was that of researching. I love to dig up information, uncover facts, and track down truths. So, I quickly decided to use these skills on Jon & Kate. What'd I find?
That there's a lot of people out there speaking out of jealously, judgment, and ignorance.
Jealously comes into play in many ways but primarily it focuses on this family's lifestyle. Their new home, their vacations, and how they spend their time to name a few. HELLO! Let's not forget this family literally had nothing. Along comes this show and their life changes. That's called a BLESSING. What they choose to do with that blessing is their business, however, it would seem they want to continue loving their family and helping others by making their family a business.
This leads into the judgement. Kate shouldn't be doing this. Kate shouldn't be doing that. Why aren't they at home taking care of the kids? Why are they always separate? She looks unhappy. Blah, blah, blah! For one, you don't know them (nor do I but I took time to research) and you may not know they made a choice not to put their children in daycare and to always try and have one parent at home. I'm sure they have many other arrangements and agreements that we know nothing about. That's okay, that's between them.
Ah, yes, and now the ignorance. How ignorant the blogosphere is in making comments about this family. Let's face it, season one was all about what's going on in the neighborhood, at home, and just trying to cope with a family that large. But it's a REALITY-TV SHOW and having produced an Emmy-winning TV program, I know that experiments are a must. So, the family is put in this situation or this scenario is played out. Then, it's edited together in a way that is most promotable and sure to hook viewers. That's TV and sometimes it's reality but more often it's the reality of how the show is edited.
And why would anyone choose to believe some dribble from the Star?! These rags exist to exploit a shred of truth into a fabrication of saleable fiction. What is fact here? Jon Gosselin visited his mother to help her while she recovered from foot surgery. To take a break, Jon went to a local restaurant/bar. In a small town, there's often not a lot of choices for things to do. Some of the volleyball team members were there and asked to pose for pictures. Jon agreed and chatted with the team members.
This encounter becomes Jon doing beer pong at a party and making out with college girls?! I'm sure there was an eyewitness to this encounter who will gladly provide PhotoShop pictures of Jon performing these tasks. Please.
Then, there's those of you who continually stress that the children are being harmed and exploited by this show. As Jon stated, the "show is their life and their life is their show." However, the children aren't working. They are being taped. The children aren't being dragged around the country to speaking events and book signings. If exploiting the children means having a successful show because of the children, shouldn't we all be so fortunate? Let's face it, most of our lives are very boring and yet can be very exciting with only one or two children. We aren't being taped for a cable show. They are. Good for them!
Imagine having eight children. EIGHT! Imagine having very little and wondering how you are going to support your family and then in a few years having your name being a brand and having to want for very little. Imagine having to adjust to this celebrity while still learning to parent eight children and while trying to keep growing as a married couple. Imagine making mistakes and having each one possibly caught on camera and talked about across the web. How would you handle it? Could you?
Whether or not there's another season of this show isn't the issue. To me, the issue is often ourselves. What are we doing? Are we learning from their successes and failures? Most of all, are we trying to say encouraging things to our spouse and our children? Are we saying encouraging things about Jon & Kate? Words hurt and enough words can kill. Maybe not physically but certainly mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I want to close with an email that I attempted to send to Jon but it failed due to that mailbox being full. Perhaps one day he'll see it:
I wanted to reach out to you as a husband, father, and fan of your show to say thank you. Few can imagine what you must have gone through the past four years. A father of one 4 year old daughter (yeah, I know), I can only imagine if my wife had multiple babies and while I was trying to get used to this new chapter, a camera crew began documenting many days of my life - the good, the bad, the ugly.
Your personality and humor I can totally relate. You and I may share the same personality Phlegmatic-Melancholy and my wife, Kim is, Sanguine-Choleric. We are exact opposites and beyond the age-old cliche that "opposites attract," I believe God has a plan in bringing two different personalities together. We recently Netflixed Season 1 and while I was chuckling at one of your reactions to Kate, Kim said, "He's your hero, isn't he?!" I couldn't deny it. You rock!
I haven't seen many episodes from your last season, but Kim mentioned that you had doubts about coming back for a fifth season. I learned online that indeed there will be a fifth and also about the rumors of pictures.
Taking a break from the show is a totally understandable thought. For everything there is a reason and a season. We're blessed to know your family for another season. Maybe there's a break after that and a return. Maybe it's over for good. The Lord doesn't promise us tomorrow. Let today be today and deal with tomorrow then.
As for the other, no one has any place to judge or assume. Too many want to start rumors for fame and destruction. After all, Satan would like nothing more than to destroy what ministry you guys are living for millions of viewers. A ministry it definitely is and many are praying for you.
So, again, I just wanted to thank you, Jon, for being you, for sharing a few moments of your life and your family's life with the world. For enduring the pressures, demands, scrutinies, hardships, and frustrations. And also for sharing the joys, delights, blessings, laughter, and encouragement.
Let no one defeat you or steal your passion but have peace and stay focused on Christ who is bigger than all of it
Your Brother,
Rick Garner
Exodus 14:14
Jealously comes into play in many ways but primarily it focuses on this family's lifestyle. Their new home, their vacations, and how they spend their time to name a few. HELLO! Let's not forget this family literally had nothing. Along comes this show and their life changes. That's called a BLESSING. What they choose to do with that blessing is their business, however, it would seem they want to continue loving their family and helping others by making their family a business.
This leads into the judgement. Kate shouldn't be doing this. Kate shouldn't be doing that. Why aren't they at home taking care of the kids? Why are they always separate? She looks unhappy. Blah, blah, blah! For one, you don't know them (nor do I but I took time to research) and you may not know they made a choice not to put their children in daycare and to always try and have one parent at home. I'm sure they have many other arrangements and agreements that we know nothing about. That's okay, that's between them.
Ah, yes, and now the ignorance. How ignorant the blogosphere is in making comments about this family. Let's face it, season one was all about what's going on in the neighborhood, at home, and just trying to cope with a family that large. But it's a REALITY-TV SHOW and having produced an Emmy-winning TV program, I know that experiments are a must. So, the family is put in this situation or this scenario is played out. Then, it's edited together in a way that is most promotable and sure to hook viewers. That's TV and sometimes it's reality but more often it's the reality of how the show is edited.
And why would anyone choose to believe some dribble from the Star?! These rags exist to exploit a shred of truth into a fabrication of saleable fiction. What is fact here? Jon Gosselin visited his mother to help her while she recovered from foot surgery. To take a break, Jon went to a local restaurant/bar. In a small town, there's often not a lot of choices for things to do. Some of the volleyball team members were there and asked to pose for pictures. Jon agreed and chatted with the team members.
This encounter becomes Jon doing beer pong at a party and making out with college girls?! I'm sure there was an eyewitness to this encounter who will gladly provide PhotoShop pictures of Jon performing these tasks. Please.
Then, there's those of you who continually stress that the children are being harmed and exploited by this show. As Jon stated, the "show is their life and their life is their show." However, the children aren't working. They are being taped. The children aren't being dragged around the country to speaking events and book signings. If exploiting the children means having a successful show because of the children, shouldn't we all be so fortunate? Let's face it, most of our lives are very boring and yet can be very exciting with only one or two children. We aren't being taped for a cable show. They are. Good for them!
Imagine having eight children. EIGHT! Imagine having very little and wondering how you are going to support your family and then in a few years having your name being a brand and having to want for very little. Imagine having to adjust to this celebrity while still learning to parent eight children and while trying to keep growing as a married couple. Imagine making mistakes and having each one possibly caught on camera and talked about across the web. How would you handle it? Could you?
Whether or not there's another season of this show isn't the issue. To me, the issue is often ourselves. What are we doing? Are we learning from their successes and failures? Most of all, are we trying to say encouraging things to our spouse and our children? Are we saying encouraging things about Jon & Kate? Words hurt and enough words can kill. Maybe not physically but certainly mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I want to close with an email that I attempted to send to Jon but it failed due to that mailbox being full. Perhaps one day he'll see it:
I wanted to reach out to you as a husband, father, and fan of your show to say thank you. Few can imagine what you must have gone through the past four years. A father of one 4 year old daughter (yeah, I know), I can only imagine if my wife had multiple babies and while I was trying to get used to this new chapter, a camera crew began documenting many days of my life - the good, the bad, the ugly.
Your personality and humor I can totally relate. You and I may share the same personality Phlegmatic-Melancholy and my wife, Kim is, Sanguine-Choleric. We are exact opposites and beyond the age-old cliche that "opposites attract," I believe God has a plan in bringing two different personalities together. We recently Netflixed Season 1 and while I was chuckling at one of your reactions to Kate, Kim said, "He's your hero, isn't he?!" I couldn't deny it. You rock!
I haven't seen many episodes from your last season, but Kim mentioned that you had doubts about coming back for a fifth season. I learned online that indeed there will be a fifth and also about the rumors of pictures.
Taking a break from the show is a totally understandable thought. For everything there is a reason and a season. We're blessed to know your family for another season. Maybe there's a break after that and a return. Maybe it's over for good. The Lord doesn't promise us tomorrow. Let today be today and deal with tomorrow then.
As for the other, no one has any place to judge or assume. Too many want to start rumors for fame and destruction. After all, Satan would like nothing more than to destroy what ministry you guys are living for millions of viewers. A ministry it definitely is and many are praying for you.
So, again, I just wanted to thank you, Jon, for being you, for sharing a few moments of your life and your family's life with the world. For enduring the pressures, demands, scrutinies, hardships, and frustrations. And also for sharing the joys, delights, blessings, laughter, and encouragement.
Let no one defeat you or steal your passion but have peace and stay focused on Christ who is bigger than all of it
Your Brother,
Rick Garner
Exodus 14:14
Worse piece of garbage I've read yet defending the greedy, ignorant trash that believe it's morally okay to exploit children for financial security.
ReplyDeleteLOL thanks for your comment, Anonymous! I'm proud to take the prize for being positive and putting my name to it while you can hurl ownerless insults.
ReplyDeleteFinally a positive prespective on a good family who are just trying to raise their family.
ReplyDeleteRick thank you so much for the wonderful post. I love it so much I want to put it front and center on my blog. Thanks for showing this to me!
ReplyDeleteRick, just found your blog today. Very nice piece. It's great to hear a man's perspective - 99% of Gosselin bloggers are women and a lot of them bring a lot of negativity I can do without.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your thoughts as someone who shares personality traits with Jon. I am sure J&K have a lot of pressure on them, but I do think they came together for a reason and there is a lot of love there. I wish them the best and don't understand why others would not feel the same.
Best to you and your family!
So, Rick,you're a spineless, immature whiner whose bitch of a wife has your balls in her purse, too. It's always the bitches who claim to be just like Kate who defend Kate; I just never read online a man admit to being such a loser. You'll be the laughingstock of blogworld (much like your "hero") before you know it. LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks Anonymous, Baby Mama, and Anya for your kind words! It seemed clear to me that some positivity needed accentuating in this story. There's a lot of positives here and yet more negativity is being sloshed around.
ReplyDelete"Mike," if I were spineless your comment would've been deleted.
ReplyDeleteImmature? Who's the one name-calling here?
I'm pretty certain everyone whines to some degree.
You don't know my wife (nor do you know Jon or Kate but what you've seen on TV), but my wife is a stellar woman and outstanding mother. We celebrate 12 years of marriage this month.
"Mike" (since there's only a million of those out there), if sharing my views and opinions in a positive tone makes me a loser, so be it.
But, Rick, come on. You don't see how immature Jon Gosselin comes across? He lets his wife berate him and treat him like crap on camera. My wife watched the show, for a while, and I caught a couple of episodes with her because she wanted my opinion. Then she became embarrassed for Jon. I'm embarrassed for him, as well, and I'm just surprised that you would admit to being just like Jon. If you have a wonderful wife who doesn't treat you like a child, then good for you. Nothing wrong with being laid-back and easy going. I'd just like to see Jon stand up for himself. It's painful to watch.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can call me "Michael" if you prefer. That is my real name.
I just can't seem to stop myself. LOL.
ReplyDeleteIf Jon were mature, he'd step up and take care of his family. Nothing wrong with him being the nurturing parent, from what we've seen of Kate, the kids are lucky to have Jon. But my comment about the immaturity of Jon is based on watching him cower, yes, literally cower beneath his wife's attacks on his speech, his overly loud breathing, his discipline of the children (when it was needed). She actually told the kids "not to listen to daddy. Daddy's mean." A grown-ass man would have said turn off the damn cameras and let me see you for a moment, Kate." Kate has no respect for her husband. And she's teaching her children to no have respect for their father. How is that an admirable quality in a man? Stand up for yourself, Jon! I wish you would have included that in your letter to Jon that he never received. Ha.
Now, THIS is some good stuff, Mike! Awesome. Clearly, you've seen a bit more of their interviews. I still think editing has a lot to do with how things come across, however, Jon may indeed need to grow some.
ReplyDeleteJon and I are alike being easy-going and laid back. We seem to have similar personalities. And while Kate and my Kim share a similar personality, Kim doesn't show the intensity and disrespect Kate dishes out. Kim's surprised at what she's seen.
Jon said in the interview embedded in my post that he and Kate don't let a day go by without resolving a conflict. It's sad that if that's captured on camera the producers never show it. I think it'd do wonders for Jon's self-esteem and self-worth (to mention the audience) to include that in a show.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts in more detail. :)
Exactly, Rick. It just bothers me that Jon allows this to go on. As a husband and father, I'd have to say "Cut!" and tell the crew to leave. My wife tells me I'm a manly man (don't understand that, cause you're either a man or you're not), but Jon just goes along with it. My opinion? Jon doesn't want a real job. He doesn't want to get up at the crack of dawn and bust his ass all day, so he lets this go on because it affords him the lifestyle he wants. I'm a lowly associate in a huge law firm, but if I had to come home to that . . man, I couldn't take it. And my wife is a strong woman. She works just as hard as a paralegal. But the first time she told our kids that I was mean and not to listen to me? On camera? That camera crew would not be able to get out of MY house fast enough.
ReplyDeleteI don't know and I don't care about all of their schemes and plans to get where they are. I don't have the time to pick it apart. I found your site because my wife picked it up on another blog and asked me to read a man's perspective. I don't stand around the watercooler at work disussing this show; but because it's shown in my house, and I've seen it, you gotta know, man. It's fine to have opposites in a relationship. My wife is a neat person, she cooks, cleans, does all of the motherly things in the house. BUT, I pitch in at every opportunity because she's no more important than I when it comes to our kids. But I do stand up for myself. If I was EVER screamed at me on camera for the whole world to hear that I didn't use a coupon? I'd do whatever it took to make sure that footage didn't air and I'd damn sure kick that crew outof my family's home. I would first protect my children; then I'd deal with the wife, because Kate has obvious problema.
As a fellow man, i have to say, Jon is being crucified and it's Jon, and Jon alone who can stand up for himself and his family. And it appears that he he is not doing so. I think Jon is doing what Kate tells him to do. And it makes me want to hold my balls in a protective defense.
Mike, there is clearly a lot more going on with this family than seen on tv. Please do some research into children on reality tv and you will discover that they do not get any of the same protections afforded child actors regarding work hours, working conditions, payment, tutoring and counseling. While there are those who do snark on the Gosselins, many people are truly concerned about the childrens' welfare. There have been way too many bad endings for children whose lives have been lived in front of the cameras. There are very good reasons why laws were passed to protect child actors.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Jon, it was confirmed by the college's PR department that he was indeed at a party at the girls' volleyball team house playing beer pong, not just taking a few fan pictures in a bar. While this is certainly a matter to be handled between Jon and Kate, they certainly sought out and enjoy the fame and perks the show gives them. Unfortunately there is a price to pay for this - loss of privacy. I have a very hard time with them allowing TLC to use their marital problems as a ratings booster for their show. How must their older children feel?
There are any other number of problems with this show that bother reasonable, thinking people. Why agree to have their faith edited out? Why allow their beautiful daughter to be edited to be portrayed as some sort of bratty child - the villian of the family? Why allow filming of what should be private moments - bathing, pottying, going to the doctor and dentist, etc?
Yes there are people who snark on this show on blogs - any famous person is going to be subject to that - it's part of the territory. However, you can't overlook the truly disturbing aspects of this Truman Show life on the kids. It has nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with common sense.
Please do a little more research into this family beyond blogs such as Babymomma's. She is an uber-fan, with pictures of the children posted all over her blog (would she do that to her own kids?) and links to Gosselin merchandise (is she too making money off these kids?). I think if you throw out the extremes on both sides of this debate you may come to the same conclusion that there is something very wrong about children supporting their parents in this fashion.
You are WRONG. The children are being dragged all over the country to churches and more churches, where they are put on display while their parents speak and then accept money (called "love gifts") from a special collection
ReplyDeleteThis is a disgrace.
"Let those without sin cast the first stone." Who are you to judge this family? Really who are you, who gave you permission to do so all you negative people out there? You don't know them, what you see on their show is reality yes, but edited too, to make it entertaining and interesting. You know, I tend to agree that Jon does seem to let Kate just walk all over him, maybe one of his challenges is being passive. And I would venture to guess he knew that Kate was the way she was when they got married. He didn't have to propose to her, ya know. But that's their choice and their decision. He obviously loved her enough to marry her.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I believe these two genuinely love each other. I don't believe they will get divorced, I love how society today is always, "Oh there is a fight, divorce is coming." That's why the divorce rate is so high, no one wants to put in the effort, it's the easy way out. Have a fight, file for divorce. Sorry, but my husband and I fight and I don't go running to get divorce. I WORK on it and work through the issues, and I believe this is what they do, they it's not shown.
Cut this family a break. We all have issues and challenges in our life, and yes, they chose to show that through a tv show, but I can't imagine that you all out there putting them down are perfect....in fact I know you aren't, no one is. So before you go putting someone down, especially if you don't know them, look at yourself, examine your faults and think how you would feel if negative stuff was said about you like this. I would imagine you will fine that you would feel hurt.
I'm just saying, people are too quick to judge and put others down (and I will admit, I have done it myself before. Like the rest of you, I am not perfect.) Rick, thank you for your blog post...
D., thank you for your comment. Well said!
ReplyDeleteYour research is very flawed. This couple took fertility treatments, set up the gosselin six website before the tups were born, and contacted every reality tv producer in the country shopping this series. They got college funds gifted to them from their state but went from church to church begging for love offerings, of which they can hide from the IRS. There are episodes of Kate telling Jon about the next free trip she and Beth have cooked up - one being their Hawaii marriage renewal trip. These children are dragged around the country and put on display and made to act for the cameras and they don't have any privacy. The Dionne quintuplets in Canada went through a similar fate and they are asking children of multiples not to cash in on these children. Kate did not write Multiple Blessings yet is touring the country as its author. There is nothing real or genuine or truthful about this couple save for their greed and exploitation and I hope their show is cancelled.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, my research may be flawed but I find your statements fascinating. They took fertility treatments...thousands of couples do.
ReplyDeleteJon registered a domain before the kids were born. Being a web guy, I'd likely have done the same thing.
When a special guest makes an appearance at a church, more often than not a love offering is taken. While one might not report that to the IRS, do you know that they have or have not done?
Kate didn't write Multiple Blessings but is touring as the author. Do you all the details about this book? Have you spoken with Kate, the "real author," or the publisher?
My point is that neither my research nor your research nor another's research is complete without sitting down in person with Jon & Kate. While you and others would likely say nothing coming from them is truthful, I'd be more inclined to take their word as truth before believing everything I hear and read from elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your thoughts on the show, as well as your letter to Jon. J&K+8 is easily my favorite show, not only for pure entertainment value, but because I appreciate the way in which the Gosselins are raising their children. It's nice to see a family working together for their own greater good. I am a 2nd grade teacher (I formerly taught pre-K), and I must say that the Gosselin children seem to be perfectly normal, happy kids. I often witness bloggers stating that Mady is "psychotic," or "bratty," which makes me sad. Her tantrums are just like those of many other 8 year-olds. I think it would be more alarming if the kids were too perfect. As someone who spends the majority of her time with children, I see too many kids who are not taught to be kind, caring individuals. It's wonderful to see that Jon and Kate are doing their best to instill these traits in their children early on. As Jon and Kate routinely say, they are not perfect parents, but they are doing their best. I don't think anyone can fault them for that. As for those who are so critical of Jon and Kate, as my own mother used to say, "Everyone is the perfect parent...until they have kids of their own." Imagine having EIGHT!
Just one more thought, this one regarding Jon's acceptance of Kate's so-called "insults." Another poster stated that Jon needs to "grow a pair," and implied that Jon is not manly. I happen to know a thing or two about manly men, largely due to the remote, truly rural mountain area where I grew up and continue to live today. Manly men come in all forms. My husband is a "manly man"--he is an automotive technician who comes home filthy, smelly, rippling with muscle (REAL muscles, not inflated gym muscles), exhausted, and full of pride in a job well done every day after work. Yet it's not all of these factors that make him so "manly." What makes him manly is the fact that he has enough patience and caring to deal with me when I'm at my worst. He handles listening to me bitch about my day, or all to often, directly at him. We aren't filmed, but if we were, he wouldn't need to "shut off the camera" to deal with me. Men (or women, for that matter) who feel the need to be combative over every tiny comment are the weak ones. My husband (and I suppose Jon, as well) is strong enough, smart enough, and I suppose MANLY enough to realize that even though I'm not being particularly nice, I don't mean to unload on him. It's this quiet ability to simply let my temporary bitchiness roll off his back that makes me realize how strong he really is. That's a REAL man!
Kiely, what an awesome comment you have here! You really hit it out of the park! Ultimately, we are seeing an uncensored view of this family but also don't know what all "falls on the editing floor."
ReplyDeleteIt's so easy for anyone to say Kate is bitchy and Jon needs to grow some based on what we see on the show but that's not entirely who they are. There's more to them than the show, just like there's more to use than seen by family and friends.
Wow, thank you! As you said, we have no idea what "really" goes on with these people, but I like to think that what we see is pretty much what we would get in true reality. As for the editing, I would really hate to see what a producer could do with some of my worst moments! I think most people who know me would agree that I'm pretty easy-going and friendly, but like everyone else, I have bad moments. Also, coming from my teaching background, I have to say that I can't blame Kate one bit for being a little short-tempered at times. It gets difficult trying to meet everyone's needs ALL the time. I myself sometimes experience a moment of panic and frustration, and I'm sure I'm not at my best during those moments. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!!
ReplyDeleteKiely, absolutely! You rock!
ReplyDeleteI would imagine that Jon & Kate are being genuine and sharing their family and personality. Indeed, any one of us can have tense moments. Matter of fact, if we had a camera following us around, we might be surprised how we look...how we sound...when we're talking to our spouse and our children. It might be very sobering.
Of course, an editor is going to piece together an episode to flow how they want/need/and what will get the most viewership. Doesn't mean the editor intends ill-will and doesn't mean that Jon & Kate don't have some say in what airs...people are more interesting and complicated than a camera can capture.
It's kind of refreshing to find another person who really enjoys the show and realizes that these people probably truly are doing the best they can. I'll likely keep watching as long as they keep filming, although I won't begrudge them when they choose to stop. Those kids make me smile!
ReplyDeleteJon = failure, he's nothing without Kate and the kids...... he's a male whore, he needs to grow up. Any man that runs around on his wife is dirt in my eyes...... what a looser he is.... he had a great thing going and I hope she dumps him.....
ReplyDeleteSorry my father did the same thing to my mother when I was young and I grew up with the embarrassment of it all...
I love the show.... and I can not believe that Jon would behave in such an awful way..... how immature! I don't care of Kate B**chs at him all day..... that is no reason to do what he did..... if he is miserable then there are correct ways to do things... if he did not want to be in the show anymore or be married there are correct ways to go about it... marriage counselors etc..... he states on the video that they said one of them would always be with the children.... Kate was gone and he was out playing....
Kate = Brains, writing books, being responsible, being a mother, organized etc.. would never do that to her husband or children....
Jon = Weak, not responsible, is thinking with his d**k and needs to grow up! And he self medicated with his behavior......Was watching tv last night and seen how the girlfriends brother heard them having hot sex through the walls of the house.... how sick is that?
And who am I to judge? I do not judge.... I just tell it like it is. It would not be slaughterd all over the tv if nothing was going on or went on and why is Jon apologizing or what he did to his family?
And come on ladies.... if you are a Kate hater I am sure you have rolled your eyes at your husband a few times or looked at them as if they had no brains for what they said one time or another....
There is truth to this... a man only thinks with part of his brain and a woman uses all of her brain... read for yourself!
Anonymous, thanks for sharing your comments. You're entitled to your opinions, especially those of husbands that cheat. However, I'm more inclined to believe articles such as these:
People are very quick to judge Jon who don't even know him. I say that if Jon says "I did not cheat on Kate" and that his friends agree with that statement (as in the link above), let's err on the side of innocent until proven guilty.
He made an error in judgment. We all have made similar mistakes.
I'm less inclined to believe this woman's brother has "broken his silence" since people can say anything for a buck.
What would be supreme justice is to that this brother is proven to have done this and he and People are sued for slander and or libelous statements.
I agree, Rick. Did Jon cheat? Maybe, maybe not. I tend to "poo-poo" these sensationalized, tabloid-styles stories. Yeah, sometimes the tabloids are right, but more often they're just jumping onto the rumor wagon to make a buck. After all, magazines featuring only happy people don't sell well, now do they? I also feel that if Jon did cheat on Kate, then it's their cross to bear. It has to be hard enough to deal with marital woes privately, nevermind in the public eye.
ReplyDeleteThe Dionne quints were removed from their home to be put on public display to be a form of revenue more so for the Gov't than the actual family or quints themselves. (I am not sure if Dad agreed or the Gov't just did it) Jon & Kate to date still have their children
ReplyDeleteEver get the chance to see the movie on the Dionnes, its sad to see
I love this show and I hope it all works out
Possibly Jon didn't like working at home and being a more involved parent because he feels his loss of identity-only he'll have the answers if their is truth to the alleged affair
you can't please everybody. i pray that they would look to our long suffering redeemer who's paid the cost and also endured public disgrace and misunderstandings. i pray that God would be very big to them and people would be smaller. hindsight ministries has great counselors.
ReplyDeleteDebbie and Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI hope it all works out, too. And no one can please everybody any of the time! Absolutely correct. Trying to is exhausting and self-defeating.
When the first rumors about Jon's alleged infidelity began, I paid a little attention. Then came the next rumors a couple weeks ago about the affair with the young teacher. Then the rumors about Kate's affair with the bodyguard. Today the rumor that Kate fired 40 staff members within 30 days after she had the babies. The more I hear, the less I'm apt to believe! I feel bad that the media has latched on and become so vicious toward the Gosselins. I also feel bad that some people will apparently believe everything in every rag they read!
ReplyDeleteIf everything is bogus in the tabliods, then why are the Gosselins slowly admitting it is the truth? And not sueing like other stars have done in the past? If Kate did say to Jon, "I want out" six months ago and had this contract he could see who he wanted, then tech. he didn't cheat just as Jon said. Personally, I don't see that way. Kate probably doesn't think she cheated with the body guard either. Take a look on Kate's "adoring" fans sites. You can see Mr. Gray, Steve Neild in many of those pictures from the past.
ReplyDeleteI hope "Us" and the rest of the magazines stays glued to Kate and watches her every move. Its everything the little narcissist wanted. Let the show just be about Jon and Kate and NOT the Eight. Most of us complaining will gladly go away. We do it because we don't like seeing kids exploited, kids scrap-booked "Eight Little Faces" by their own mother to be looked at by pedophiles.
Kate needs to stop talking to "People" magazine if she truely hates the publicty.
Kiely and freethegosselinchildren,
ReplyDeleteThere often can be some truth to these tabloid stories...that's why they're believable. A grain of truth is taken (Jon & Kate having troubles) and then that's filled out with outlandish claims.
However, what's truth or not here isn't entirely what's important. What is is that this family is protected from physical, emotion, mental, and spiritual harm. We should stop asserting what we think is best or right for this family and focus on those positives. This is accomplished through prayer.
I agree, Rick.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this! You're one of the few people who actually wrote something positive about this family. People have become obsessed with tearing the Gosselins apart, for their own sick reasons. That does say something about our society, which is frightening to say the least. Bless you for being one of the good guys.
ReplyDeleteKiely, rock on, rockstar! :)
ReplyDeleteSusan, thanks for your kind words and support!
This is the BIGGEST BUNCH of crap on the web about these two. Jon is a beaten down MAN who has checked out and with GOOD reason. Katezilla is NO Christian. NOT AT ALL and NOT EVEN CLOSE. What good Christian treats ANYONE the way she treats all around her. She is a horribly mean, ignorant, rude, money grubbing so & so. HOW DARE her yell at him for BREATHING for GOD sakes. WHO is she? She has LOST all her friends and speaks to the CREW of TLC like they are her friends. THEY ARE NOT her friends. They are laughing behind her back. And she doesnt even know it. They have had to go thru 2 producers as one REFUSED to deal with Katezilla. She is going to die very lonely once her kids are old enough to see what she did to drive their daddy out of the house. RUN JON RUN do NOT look back!!!! She is the one who did this NOT YOU!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, there is far bigger uselessness on the web than this post or this site.
ReplyDeleteAny man or woman can become emotionally exhausted or "check out" from a relationship. Any man or woman can drift away from God, abuse their friends, and be tantalized by what the world has to offer.
None of this means this couple, their marriage, and their family doesn't need to be lifted up in prayer. God is still in the business of changing lives.
Five years ago I would have agreed with you Rick, in that Jon and Kate Gosselin needed the support and prayers of their viewers. At that time my family and I enjoyed the show because it portrayed a young family struggling to survive while raising two sets of multiples. Unfortunately, the show has changed and seems to focus less and less about the struggles of raising 8 children.
ReplyDeleteWhile no one is saying any family does not have the right to try and support their family any way they can, the result of much of the negativity on the web comes from the frustration viewers experience when seeing how these children are exploited for the benefit of their parents, especially Kate. If these children were not being exploited to some extent, the State of Pennsylvania would not be investigating the situation for violations of child labor laws.
People are also fed up and frustrated with all of the free perks this family has received and continues to receive. In five years they have received essentials such as diapers, clothing, an SUV and food from various corporations. No one says they were not deserving of this. However, in addition to these perks this family has received a multi-million dollar home, a $20,000 designer wedding dress, a trip to Hawaii, a trip to Disneyworld, a trip to Utah, a trip to an exclusive area on the Outer Banks in North Carolina, a nanny, a personal organic chef and the list goes on. The problem is that Kate has said on numerous occasions she is owed this.
The family earns approximately $3 million a year from the show, add to this book royalties, merchandising royalties, the sale of family photographs, the sale of autographs and the “love offerings” they receive from people who in most cases can not afford to give away their hard earned money. (Are you aware the charge for an autograph is $10 – each? Yes, that’s right; if you want the entire family to autograph your Gosselin Family Photo it is going to cost you $100.)
Now that there are allegations of affairs on the part of both Jon and Kate; he with two different women and she with her body guard. Kate’s response to the allegations of her affair was that when someone is in the position she is in, your circle of friends becomes smaller and smaller and you become friends with your publicist, manager and security staff. Both Gosselins have made public statements denying the affairs and saying they wish the paparazzi would leave them alone. Kate even went so far to say that she has no idea how this happened. Could it be that they exploited their family by putting them on TV on a regular weekly show?
Now the Gosselins have announced they have decided to home school their children. While many families do make the same decision, I can not believe it is for the same reasons. Based on Jon and Kate’s past exploits, it seems to me this is just a way of extending the series further into the future. Now these children, who are already living sheltered lives by having a “security staff” follow them around and having TV cameras follow their every move will be even more sheltered because of less contact with the general public.
If anyone needs the prayers and support of people it is not Jon and Kate, they have made their beds and they can lie in them. It is the children who need the support. These poor children will grow up thinking that you do not have to work for a living, all you have to do is ask for something and a TV network or an exclusive resort or a major corporation will give it to you. They will have no concept of \what the real world is like and they will be completely unprepared for life.
While I think your intents are well meant Rick, I think they are very misguided. Jon and Kate placed themselves in their current situation. If they did not want to be where they are, they would have followed a different path. It is the children who need your consideration
SedonaCowboy, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Indeed, the show has changed over the course of five seasons. Many programs do morph and grow into different products. It's simply the nature of television programming. However, it was much easier for families to relate to the Gosselins since many American families were there with them - trying to raise a family with a parent staying home.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the State of Pennsylvania investigation, I don't feel that's validation to the exploitation of children so much as the State receiving either enough complaints from people or the right person finally being nudged to force the State to act.
Free perks are also part of the TV world. It's expected and one could turn them down but why? Kate's degree of expectation is a human condition. It's one of life's great lies. My guess is she feels the she is owed these things due to all that's she put out there for the show. Now, one could say, she asked for it! True, but we don't always realize what we're getting ourselves into. Thus, when things start getting dicey we start to feel entitled to things. Well, if paparazzi are going to follow me around, I'm going to take this free trip! While the attitude might be justified, in my example there's no example of if the free trip was prayed over or about. God, is it Your Will for us to accept this trip. Should it go to someone else if it can?
You nor I know about Jon or Kate's prayer life and nor should we, but if they have a peace about things, woe unto us for getting in the middle of that!
Granted, I don't agree with accepting money for autographs but it does seem a bit smart since it's a crowd control element. Not everyone can or wants to pay for an autograph.
I'm sure they developed friendships with those associated with the show and other entities. It's hard to have friends that won't either try and take advantage of you or who'll get frustrated being stalked for information. I do feel Jon & Kate need some loving, strong friends who'll be supportive but also tell them like it is and smack some sense into them.
If the Gosselin children are going to be home schooled, this may be a means of show material but I'm more inclined it's a means of protection due to the show's popularity. Considering the status of some public and even private schools today, home schooling is a noble project if it can be seriously managed.
Again, I'm concerned with the attitude that because people make a choice and because the children have no choice, then it's the children that need prayers. That's a very conditional view of prayers. God's love is unconditional. He loves us no matter how many times we reject Him.
We all make mistakes and even if you wish to conclude this the Gosselin's master plan, their marriage, their relationship with Jesus Christ, their wisdom and discernment, and their protection should be prayed for. The children also need prayers of protection.
Prayer can change everything beginning with the person doing the praying.
ReplyDeleteWhile I can appreciate your opinion and your right to express it, I still think you are not seeing the entire picture. While I am half European I am also half Native. In my culture the woman cared for the home, did the planting, cooking, sewing, cared for the family, did the weaving, made the pottery, the clothes and the housing. The man was the warrior and the hunter who would go out and bring back the meat food stuffs. While this has changed greatly since the 19th Century and the invention of the reservation, Native peoples today are turning back to the traditional ways and beliefs.
I believe in your culture the same holds true traditionally. The man is the family member responsible for protection of the family, the bread winner the one who goes off to work to feed and clothe his family. The woman traditionally in the Judeo-Christian culture is the family member who remains at home to care for the family, do the cooking, cleaning, etc.
The Gosselins do not follow these traditional roles. Kate quit her job as a nurse, a profession which pays well, and Jon was fired form his position as an IT professional for violating company policy. Neither Jon nor Kate chose to go back to work and Kate said in a press statement that “The show is our life and our life is the show.” The Gosselins have made a career out of nothing more than having had multiples. Unfortunately, today, Jon and Kate would have us believe they made the choice for Jon to be the primary care giver while Kate travels around the country on book signings and speaking engagements because the family needs the money. I fully understand that this is the 21st Century and traditional roles have changed, however I also find it deplorable for a couple to publicly state that the reasons for their choice in adopting non-traditional roles are not what they actually are. Face it, pardner, neither Jon nor Kate ever wants to work again and, if I am correct, this goes against the Christian belief systems.
Yes, I will keep them in my thoughts when I am meditating upon and making my supplications to the Great Spirit but I do think you are wrong for defending them. It is our belief that the Great Spirit, the Judeo-Christian God Jehovah, Allah, etc all one in the same, however, this couple does not glorify Him through their words and deeds. If you are going to make supplications on their behalf, and I seriously doubt they would even appreciate it, ask that they would stop living for the materialistic things which have harmed the Earth and turn back to the spiritual life the Great Spirit intended for them to follow as children of His creation.
Sedonacowboy, thanks for returning to share more of your insights. I find it really cool to be conversing with someone of your background - one of the blessings of the web and discussing topics. I have such respect and admiration for Native-Americans and to know that the old traditions are being reembraced is exciting. We all should recapture the simpler ways and times. Life has become too complex.
ReplyDeleteI feel the key to a healthy, functioning family isn't so much the man being the breadwinner and the woman running the home but that the man is head of the house. Meaning, a woman could be working, too, and the couple could have shared responsibilities around the house but ultimately the husband makes decisions for the family. He should have great support from his wife and she respects his final decisions.
Kate staying at home is what most husbands want - for their wife to have the freedom to stay home and raise the children, if for only a while. Beyond that, Kate has appeared to wish to follow a career path of the show, books, and touring. That unto itself is a career.
Jon likely may have thought it best to join the "family business" and mostly be there for the kids and spend time with the new found career. However, considering what appears to be Jon's reactions as of late, it's not surprising he's rebelling against this role.
Perhaps you misunderstand my motives for this couple. While I disagree with many of their decisions (which are seen through the veil of media), their fall into materialism, and think the show should take a break...more important than my own opinions is their need for unconditional love.
Ephesians 1:17-18 says: "For I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints."
I pray that Jon & Kate will come to know God's love in a new and deeper way and will make decisions based on His wisdom and discernment. I pray that God will heal their marriage so they will focus on each other and their children and recapture some of their privacy.
To all the negative persons-If you can't say anything nice, then please, don't say anything at all. I will probably never understand why people are so mean. Why wouldn't you want to be positive? Why would anyone want to live their lives with so much anymosity in their hearts? I hope that through all of the rumors, everyone remembers this, we don't know these people. We know what we hear or read, but unless you're a fly on the wall, you don't know anything. God Bless You, Rick Garner! You have given me hope that maybe there are more decent people out there than I thought. Have we nothing else to do than to sit around and disrespect one another? Be adults people! Be respectful! Let He who has not sinned cast the first stone! I also admire Rick for not getting upset about some of the very distasteful comments pointed at He and his wife(well maybe you did get upset, but the important thing is you sure handled it well). I pray that Jon and Kate can put aside the media circus and focus on the 8 little lives they hold in their hands.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thanks for sharing your thoughts. We are sinful by nature and therefore it's easier for people to be mean, hateful, and spiteful than to be loving and caring. It's also easier to think we know a person from what we see on the TV or even daily at the office or weekly at church. But until we spend some time chatting with someone do we really get to know them.
ReplyDeleteUntil we spend time in the Word, we also cannot begin to know God. Every day is a journey - enjoy it! :)
I have been praying for Jon and Kate for a couple of weeks now and tried to start my own "prayer campaign." I haven't done as well as you. Not only have I blogged about it, I have also been trying to post prayer for them as comments on various blogs and articles. One woman called it prayer spam. Anyway, I'd like people to stop just "commenting" and instead, posting their prayers as comments. Doing so is bound to catch the attention of somebody who I hope has influence with the couple. PLEASE everyone, stop flooding the blogs, message boards and articles with comments. FLOOD JON AND KATE WITH PRAYER!!
ReplyDeleteGod, I lift Jon and Kate Gosselin up to You. I thank You for designing them, for bringing them together. I thank You for their infertility that led to twins and sextuplets. I thank You that You have used the curiosity of the world to provide for their family. I thank You that You have been able to use the avenue of television to show the world that families can and do love You– together. Right now, God, Jon and Kate are hurting. Their marriage is in chaos and they don’t know what will happen and where they will go. So God, I pray right now for Your power and love and grace and mercy to pour into the hearts of Jon and Kate and to pour into their marriage. I pray that You reveal yourself to each of them in a mighty way. Reveal your love, but also show them their sin. Show them how they have turned from You. Show them forgiveness. Through that, God, I know that your desire is to restore their marriage and make it more beautiful than it ever has been. I pray God, that You are in the midst of their struggle and that You remove Satan from every corner of their hearts and of their home. I pray that through all of this, YOU are glorified. I pray that “God moments” are filmed and that those moments make it through to the final production of the show. I pray that Jon and Kate have the courage to publicly turn to You and then to publicly proclaim how good You are. I pray that you use their marriage – the ugly and the restoration to beautiful – to heal other’s marriages and to bring Your beauty back into the public institution of marriage. God I pray that Jon and Kate are overwhelmed by love and that You place a bubble around them and their family. Let that bubble protect them from the evil words, the ugly photos, the hurtful stories. I pray that only YOUR TRUTH is able to penetrate into their hearts. God I pray that many others will lift up prayers for Jon and for Kate. I thank You. I love You. I ask that you grant this prayer so that all glory and praise returns to You. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen
Thank you Rick, that does explain your stand a bit better. However, I think there are more pressing issues which we should be focusing our energy on, such as the healing of the planet inasmuch as we are reaching the end of an age. As I said in a prior post, I enjoyed J&K+8 when it first aired as it showed the day to day struggles of a family raising 8 kids on limited means. Now it has become just another reality show with Jon and Kate having guests from other shows like American Chopper and Ace of Cakes or being on other shows like Say Yes to the Dress. The show no longer depicts an average American family; it now showcases wealthy TV celebrities at home.
ReplyDeleteI would secondly like to address Anonymous’ post. Because people object to the way the Gosselins have chosen to exploit their family situation for financial gain, you are accusing them of being hateful, mean or having animosity in their hearts. In case you have not heard, in the USA people have a right to their own opinions and a right to express them. Rick also has the option of not posting the blog responses he receives. Perhaps you need to examine your own heart if you think it is mean hateful for a person to say they feel the Gosselin children are being exploited by their parents, or that they do not like the way Kate Gosselin says she is owed things like a multi-million dollar mansion for nothing more than having produced a litter.
Finally, to Kris: While I think it is very admirable you want to post prayers on the web for the Gosselins, I think you are a hypocrite. You are posting a very nice prayer for the Gosselins but where are your prayers for Ozzy Osbourne and his family, for the Duggars, the Rollofs and the Hayes’, for George Foreman and his family, the Kardashians, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie and finally Gene Simmons and his family? All of these families have chosen to put themselves in the spotlight and on TV to show their home lives yet I could not find any prayer blogs for any of them. Are the Gosselins so special that they deserve prayer when none of the others do? Finally, you also are saying people do not have the right to post their opinions on blogs. If the blog master did not want posts he or she would not have started a blog and again, Rick the blog master here, has the right to not publish the posts he receives.
Your preachers stand in their pulpits and say how the music of Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne is sinful and the work of the devil. You speak of the material excesses of people like Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton, how they are not role models for young girls and how they are of the world. Yet not once have I read anyone one of you saying it is not right, as an example, for the Gosselins to go around to various churches accepting what is estimated to be over $1 million a year in “love offerings” for speaking, from people who can barely afford it, and then return to their multi-million dollar home to earn $3 million a year for their TV show. What do you do? You support them and deride people who say that this is not right nor is it the “Christian” behavior these people should be expressing. Why? Is it because they claim to be Christians?
You posts prayers and talk about unconditional love and forgiveness. You post scriptures and say how the Gosselins need everyone’s love and support. However, if someone says they do not like the way the Gosselins do this or that, you call them hateful, you say their hearts are full of animosity and they should not be posting on blog sites. You have not started any prayer blogs for Gene Simmons, Ozzy Osbourne, Nicole Ritchie or Paris Hilton, as if they are not worthy of your prayers and thoughts. You support a family who is obviously taking advantage of a situation yet you ridicule and deride others. Where is your unconditional love and forgiveness? This is called hypocrisy and it is what your “savior” preached against. Before you tell other people “let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” start looking into your own lives.
SedonaCowboy, thank you again for sharing your thoughts in detail. On my blogs, I wish for everyone to have a safe environment to share their thoughts which is why I've posted nearly all of the comments submitted. Clearly, Jon & Kate have evoked some interesting and extreme emotions in folks - some in support and some against.
ReplyDeleteMy purpose in this prayer campaign has been one of turning people from gossip and negative thoughts and words to praying for this couple. Ideally, this call to prayer will also impact other areas of life including marriages. The divorce rate in this country is so high, including among Christians, because we lose focus of God and pay attention to the desires of the world. Slowly, our marriages are destroyed by our own selfish desires. On the surface, this would appear to be what's happening to Jon & Kate.
Indeed, it is hypocritical to speak of unconditional love and forgiveness and not share that towards someone who disagrees with your view. This is why I make an effort to respond positively to every post. My disagreement is with gossip and judgement being passed on this couple and their actions and decisions. No one, including myself, knows what's really going on with this couple. So, it's unwise to criticize their decisions and opinions. However, they are a man and woman, a married couple, with 8 children, and are under the microscope of the world. At those bare facts, they need prayer and to rely on God to change their hearts and guide their paths.
As for Gene Simmons, Ozzy Osbourne, Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton, Octomom, and anyone else in the public eye - if one feels led to create a prayer support for them, I pray that they do so. I have not been so led but perhaps someone else has. I'd love to assist with such an effort. Everyone is deserving of Hs love and often are only told "I'll pray for you" without ever really knowing the love and support behind that phrase.
Thanks again, SedonaCowboy, for your continued honestly and thoughts.
i pray for the kids and that they get the help they need in the future via therapy...they'll need it.
ReplyDeleteI think it is wonderful to finally see some positive being posted about this family! I can't stand the mean things people are saying! I am a human being who makes mistakes, and so are they! Who are we to judge people we've never met or had the pleasure of walking in their shoes? People need to focus on their own issues and leave others alone, what happened to the days "if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all!!"
ReplyDeleteThank you again Rick, I appreciate your honesty and sincerity. I would like very much to meet one day and talk. Perhaps if you ever come to Arizona we could hike the Sacred Mountains and Red Rocks and I could introduce you to my beliefs and show you my world.
ReplyDeleteAeroSpice, thank you for remembering this family in prayer.
ReplyDeleteLindsey, amen...and amen!
SedonaCowboy, I've never been to Arizona but know that it is truly breathtaking. I would consider such a hike an honor.
Thanks for a positive blog on this family and I whole heartedly agree that we should be praying really hard for them to work things out. How can ANYONE look at those 8 precious kids and wish for that marriage to fail. I've run across alot of people that I call "kate haters". I've always said to them (on her harsh comments to Jon) imagine you had a camera following you around all day filming everything out of your mouth. I'm sorry but if a camera did that with me they would catch some not so nice things I've said to my hubby. Even Jon has said in one of his interviews that his wife is not as bad as the show makes her. She might have done many nice things for her husband all day and then in a moment of irritation or stress she snaps at him and that's what they put on the show. I just don't buy that she's this horrible nasty selfish woman that alot of people seem to want to believe. I think they need to read that book Love and Respect. I know prayer is incredibly powerful and I hope that with all of our prayers this family will make it through.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, many thanks for sharing your thoughts and reminding us that we should walk in someone's shoes before casting judgment on the person in the shoes.
ReplyDeleteI have to say thank you for the a site that just offers prayers. So many sites are either, uber-fan or uber-envy. I've watched the show, loved it a few years ago (as did my husband). I lost interest last year and was floored by the direction that this season has taken. My husband is Jon like, and I am Kate like. We actually joke about it. So I understand your description of your relationship as well as the J & K relationship. There are many relationships that mirror that one degree or aother. We've had our struggles. We, have gone in different directions at times.... and we only have the stress of 2 kids. It was worse when our kids were young, so many decisions for a plan everything, rigid, but loving Mom and an ultra laid back, no commitment, but loving Dad. I thought divorce, often in the early years. I stayed for my family, found the friendship I had with my husband and remembered the love never died. I am not in their home and I'm not sure what is rumor, fact, for TV or real. Their children deserve for each of them to give their marriage every chance possible. I find myself now looking for "good news", pictures of them together and happy. Call me pollyanna, but I also pray that find their way. Their children have had an extrodinary life, they will need thier parents for stability when every moment of their lives are in TV history forever.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny to see how any comment that even in the littlest way bashes or doesn't necessarily agree with your personal opinion of Jon (Rick) you are right there with a defense, please get off his nuts. It's obvious he is a cheater, no matter how muhc research you think you have done or what stories or tabloids you wish to believe, just look at the pictures, the video of Jon leaving Deanna's (his supposed girl friends) house through the back door early in the morning after spending the night (a video took by Deanna's brother, Jason) Deanna does not live with her brother anymore due to him exposing her relationship to the whole world. There is plenty of pictures all over the place, from Pennsylvania to Utah (on Kate's birthday) You can believe what you want to believe and have whatever opinion you want to have but you also are lying to yourself and being arrogant by looking past all these facts, because there's a certain point where they stop begin accusations and allegations and move on to something clearer and brighter.
ReplyDeleteAs for Kate is concerned, She is an attention seeker and thinks life is all about her, over looking the fact that all she has is thanks to her children and without them she would be a nobody. She even cut off her own parents.
Kate's dad's church where he is a Minister got tons of donations and volunteers for the sextuplets and Kate was rude, nasty and demanded ONLY NEW MATCHING items.
Then she demanded CASH. Then she disowned him when he refused to give in.
She rejected unmatched cribs and clothing.
She wanted 6 matching cribs etc.
These are the same grandparents that watched the twins the entire time Kate was in the hospital with the sextuplets.
See where this is going?
It caused a rift and Kate disowned them in a huff and cut the sextuplets out of their lives.
-Marcos, just so rick doesn't call me out on not having a name behind my post like he did with a previous reply that wasn't pro-gosselin :)
It's funny reading the comments in this blog to see Rick and Keily praise the others every single post and kiss each others ass. Lame ducks.
ReplyDeleteMarcos, thanks for dropping by to share your thoughts. I welcome other's views here, else I would've rejected your comment. This article and this blog is about praying for this couple. What you view as a "defense" regarding other's comments, is a challenge to change one's thinking - to have a positive viewpoint.
ReplyDeleteWith your comments, what difference does it make if Jon has done what you say? Would I prefer he has not? Sure. What difference does it make if the reason for Kate's estrangement from her parents is what you say? Would I prefer that account not be true? Of course!
However, I'm praying that their marriage be healed, that they reconcile with each other and their children, that they are willing to be willing to do what's needed to heal relationships around them. What is truth will be brought out and revealed in time.
Anonymous, Keily was having a positive outlook which I appreciate and commend. This isn't a farm, so there are no donkeys or ducks here.
I'm sorry Rick but as wrong as this may seem or sound Kate and Jon do not deserve anyone's prayers. A couple that even after gaining an extensive amount of financial help from a T.V. network, still had the courage to go across the country to different hard-working middle class churches for so-called "speaking arrangements" and talked up a story of financial woes and even myths of the kids not having college funds so they could get these Huge "Love Offerings" don't deserve pitty or to be in the prayers of anybody, becasue in their right mind they are only thinking of themselves. If you were in that spot I'm sure Jon & Kate would not pray for you. But I'll take that back I'm nooone to say someone doesn't deserve prayers, that's not right and even I feel a little bad but these people are true scumbags and deserve what they are going through
Marcos, I really appreciate you sharing more of your thoughts. What I'm encouraging is intercessory prayer for this couple. For more on this, check this out: http://www.gotquestions.org/intercessory-prayer.html
ReplyDeleteNo one is undeserving of prayer, no one. Even the murderer, rapist, or dictator deserves prayer. What we have to search is our own hearts to see if we are willing to do what is needed and intercede for someone before God.
I just rediscovered this thread. I forgot why I started praying for this couple in the first place. I remembered reading this suggestion somewhere and started looking for it.
ReplyDeleteAre you a Christian Pastor? Maybe you are famous, I am not sure? Anyway, small-time or big-time, I admire your public position regarding the Gosselins. It's really the best I have seen anywhere: just pray for the family.
I am Catholic and we are great believers in intercessory prayer. Our trust in the Mother of Jesus is based on our faith that no human being pleased Him more than His mother and that her request to Him will not be denied. She asks for the perfect will of God to be done, according to His plan.
One of our Doctors of the Church, Therese Martin, writes in her book, "The Story of a Soul," that as a young girl she prayed fervently for the repentance of a murderer condemned to die named Pranzini. Her prayers were answered and this deepened her relationship with God. Whenever I feel myself praying for famous people I do not know, and I usually feel a little silly doing so, I call them "my Pranzini." I think this type of intercessory prayer is very pleasing to God the Father. I know if my children begged for favors on each other's behalf, I would be more inclined to grant them. It is childlike and sweet to ask fervently for the Gosselin family healing. And we are to be like little children before God.
God bless the Gosselins and bring them healing and peace, and God bless this man whose comment thread reminded me what I am called to do as a viewer.
I just noticed Sedona Cowboy's comments regarding prayer for some famous musicians and actors/actresses. I believe there is a Christian ministry that does promote prayer for people in the film, TV, and music industries. Here is one I have found: Hollywood Prayer Network online at http://www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org/about-hpn
ReplyDeleteI know there is a Catholic one as well.
Great suggestion.
Anonymous #1, thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. No, I'm not a pastor by vocation and nor am I famous, however, all Christians are ministers...we sometimes don't realize that. We're ministers to our family and friends, our coworkers, and to where God places us to make an impact for Him. Thank you for so much for sharing about your faith and how it's a part of your life.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous #2, thanks for sharing the link. I'll check it out. Reminds me of when actor Jon Voight recently spoke about his opinion of the Obama Administration. Seems there are more conservatives in Hollywood than most people thought because we don't normally hear about it.
Kris, I was blessed by the prayer you posted and I have found that (since I type rather quickly!) typing prayers is a wonderful method of praying for me, as it allows me to get my thoughts out quickly and I can revisit my prayer numerous times. There's something about being able to see the written words as I'm praying them again to Jesus that makes it sweeter each time.
ReplyDeleteRick, again, thank you for this site. My prayers are with the Gosselins for reconciliation and peace among every person in their family.
Keri, thanks for sharing your thoughts here, too. Indeed, Kris's approach is wonderful for prayer and positive words are so much more beneficial than hateful ones. Thank you both for building the Kingdom.
ReplyDeleteWhy are we just praying for Jon and Kate?? There are thousands ,if not more, Famileis with children that are having the same internal problems as Jon and Kate !! What makes them anymore special than any other family having problems? The fact that they are on tv? Or is it the fact that they are now rich in a Big house? OMG !! they have fewer problems than the average couple. They get free clothes, toys, cars, houses, Vacations, while the rest of us have to pay for all of that by ourselves. They need no prayers, they need marraige counseling! they need a slap back into reality! they need the media to leave them alone !!
ReplyDeleteSo pray for the average American family that gets no freebies, pray for the average american family that actually has to go out and work to pay for the new clothes and toys for thier children. Pray for the average American family that can barely afford rent for the 2 bedroom apartment for the 3 kids and 2 adults living there. Pray for the aveage American family that they survive and find peace in thier marraige!
Anonymous, thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. This blog isn't about ONLY praying for Jon & Kate. Indeed, there are many families in far more dire situations.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if anyone has an interest or not with this couple, my challenge is to instead of gossiping or spreading hate-speech about them, pray for them and their children.
While they and many couples can benefit from marriage counseling, EVERYONE needs prayers. Just because someone is a celebrity or gets free materials doesn't negate them from needing to pray or receive prayers.
This whole thing disturbs me on a very deep level. In the beginning, I couldn't help but be on a "side" and the way everything was portrayed, I kind of held it against Jon. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's not one, it's both. I am a Christian and I do want to uplift this family, but there is a time where every person in their life has to decide what's more important - money or their family.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that it would be very difficult to go from having nothing and then being a household name. It would be a very hard thing to adjust to and you do lose yourself if you're not careful. I married a man who makes a lot more money than me and I found myself being tempted to enjoy the finer things a little too much. It takes discipline and sound judgment to pull yourself back from worldly things and realize that you've become someone you don't really like that much.
I feel that Kate has been too harsh on Jon in the past. I feel that while she is a very high-spirited woman (like me) it takes a lot of control not to be cutting or sarcastic to your husband and it does take a lot to respect your husband. When you're used to doing things on your own, it's hard to feel like you need someone.
On Jon's side - he's been too lenient in what he takes from her. He's a laid back man to begin with, but there does come a time where you have to literally say that enough is enough.
They've had their problems, but I feel that the cameras have made it worse. The kids are beautiful, wonderful children, but children do not have the foresight or understanding about television that an adult does. It is their job as parents to protect their children and having your kids on national tv for this long isn't healthy. I'm not saying they are or are not being exploited, I'm saying that they will not look back at this with fond memories - to know that their parents split up on national television.
To make the choice to be in the spotlight is to take the good and the bad. It was their decision and unfortunately, I do feel that it really contributed to their demise. I hope that they can work it out in the end.
Jon cheated because Kate cheated on him. It's a life style to let in the cam crew. The parents are innocint for the Child Abuse thing of a law. The parents don't know. What about 18 kids and counting??? Table for 12??? They are sued also?? For child abuse?? Im guessing they the crews make a offer to the parents and they just wanted to give it a try. Now, they're stuck to the crew. I am a Fan of Jon And Kate Plus Eight. They seperated alot lately because Kate was at this Book Signing, not near home. Jon was souposed to stay at home with the kids but,...he went out with a 29 yr old teacher, caught and became the HOT topic all over the US. Why don't they appoligize and make sure both of them are getting the attention. They should find 2 baby sitters and then they can be alone for the day. THEY NEED FREEDOM!!!They should sit alone, talk about the things THEY done wrong, not about what eachother had done wrong. Then, they would appoliogise and make up and blah blah blah. Won't that be a little softer??? Tthey will soon after the Divorce feel the pain alone with the kids, handling a melt down while prepareing lunch. They will discover that they need eachother and they BOTH love eachother. Whey will promis to not let out any bad attitudes and will write them down. Then at the end of the day, they will read out all the things they wrote. No matter what, they will hug and say sorry. That will make peace. Why not watch the show??
ReplyDeleteJon has all but given up. It was very apparent in the last episode oast night. Kate says that he won't talk to her, even when prompted by her to discuss "things". She says he will talk to her for two minutes and it's like a "window into his life" and then he walks away. It's obvious that Kate is honestly trying to salvage what's left of their marriage. She seems to be truly hurting and Jon doesn't even get watery eyed when discussing divorce. Whether he cheated or not, whether she cheated or not, a marriage is supposed to be for a lifetime. Regardless of how you feel about Kate or Jon, their marriage is supposed to last until death, not until they just don't fell like being married anymore. I don't understand the appearance of Jon's "no emotion" stance. He now has both ears pierced, is wearing "trendy" clothes and reiterates that his is "only 32" and doesn't know what he wants from life. How about this Jon. How about being a grown up and being a father to your kids, a husband to your wife. Get counseling and move forward as a family. I'm sure I'll catch heat from all the believers that J&K need to be divorced because of how they are "exploiting" the kids. I feel they should end the show, and just concentrate on fixing their marriage. No amount of wealth is worth making your children a statistic.
Well, the “Big Announcement” came last night and its official, Jon and Kate are splitting up. While I agree that there is no one who does not deserve to be in people’s thoughts, prayers or meditations, I feel it is too late for this couple. They have grown apart from each other and I seriously believe their relationship is beyond repair. Who does need your prayers; thoughts and meditations however, are, as I said before, the children. They have grown up on TV; they have lived their lives in front of cameras and have a childhood which lacks privacy. Their most personal moments such as potty training and their parents divorce have been broadcast on national TV. While they are not lacking for anything, their lives are very public and they have not been given the chance to be normal children. They are the ones who will suffer the most. Think of them when you are praying.
ReplyDeleteAs a side note to Anonymous 67, who posted about the Gosselins being investigated for child abuse. I believe you have your facts wrong. It is TLC being investigated by the State of PA to determine whether or not they are violating child labor laws. Of course when the laws were written, the legislators did not anticipate reality TV shows where children would be featured. What needs to happen, as often does in this day and age is that the laws have to catch up with the times.
Kate is a controlling bitch. Sorry but it is true. Pray for them.
ReplyDeleteRick, this is a great cause. Very much needed, but your taking Jons side for everything. The bible says do not judge, yet judging had to come into effect somewhere for you to make the assesments you did about Jon. They both have faults in all of this but hey.. who am i to point them out? They definately need prayer wich i thought this website was strictly about.. but, i was yet to find out it's still alot like all the tabloids.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 71, thank you for your comments and for stopping by. You're looking at the first article I posted regarding the Gosselins and specifically Jon.
ReplyDeleteIf you're not seeing this blog as focusing on prayers for Jon & Kate, I think you've missed the point. A tabloid? Interesting assessment but I disagree.
This blog is about being positive and prayerful about this couple which many readers see as defending them. This is due to not understanding that you can love someone and pray for them without agreeing with their opinions or actions.
Jon & Kate do need some tough love. While they need prayer, they also need to realize they are both not communicating and are more focused on the world than God. People do change over the years, relationships change, but we have to stay the course.
Blah Blah Blah, you know what, i read 1/2 of these comments and i had to stop, I agree with u rick.
ReplyDeleteI personality think that these two love each other, and are doing this for the kids... how else can they send them all to college?
I also believe that if we all mind are own business and let them have thier lives back, that maybe.. just maybe thay can get thier lives back.. and reconnect as a husband and wife...
I live in a small town, and i know what its like to have people talk about you... imagine if its the whole USA... hell add in canada too...
Enough is enough,.. leave them alone...
I am really sad about the photos of Jon with Hailey Glassman in France....and if the reports are true, working for the head guy/designer at Ed Hardy would mean exposure to drugs....the poor children have to see pictures of their father with another woman while still married to their mother....why is Jon choosing to create hurt? I, like many others, feel that Kate was overbearing, but now I am beginning to wonder if it was not because of Jon's lack of leading....Dear Lord, please place Jon near his family....nearer to You, and call him to remember the joy of his children....please place Kate in reflection upon how to aide her family towards healing and how to lower her pride to allow Jon to be the father and husband You intended when their covenant began.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rick, for being strong in reminding us all to lift them up in prayer....
This is a wonderful article. I pray that Jon will see this. My heart cries out for the children, Jon, and Kate. No one completely knows what they are going through, and I am sure it is tearing them up inside. I really pray that God's will is done in each of their lives, because His will is sooo much greater than any [hu]man's will.
ReplyDeleteI was not surprised by their slit. I had noticed during last season that Kate never seemed to say thank you to Jon, or show respect or even any affection. I had always admired Jon for his hard work around the house, building, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children etc, but only heard Kate complaining, whinning about what, or how he did things! Yes, marriage is difficult and can't imagine having 8 children, but you MUST take time for yourselves and I don't think that Kate was being respectful or sensitive to Jon. Since the slit, my take on Kate is that she is self centered, and though she loves and does for her children, I believe that she LOVES the attention from the media & the lime light, not to mention the MONEY! Always the nails polished, hair done, cloths, .... seems anything Kate wanted, Jon was NEVER to question or deny her! Too bad. I think Jon just felt left out, not important or respected and just plain dismissed as a person & husband. Kate runs the "show".... her way or no way, and is self absorbed with herself. I truly hope that they both seek counseling for their issues and can become better people & parents! The media has just bad mouthed Jon to no end, and again, Kate can fake a tear and everyone buys it! My heart goes out to Jon and the children...Don't know how he stayed in this marriage as long as he did.... sad for all envolved.... and as for watching the show? No....I think they all need their privacy for their own sakes and mostly for the children... Noticed a change in behavior in Maddy and Carry... they seem to be little show offs and a bit spoiled these days...